
„alisida“ (αλυσίδα) comes from the Greek and means „chain“ in English.
This name was chosen not only because it starts with „a“ and refers to our Greek roots, but because online projects resemble a chain made up of individual elements. To create a stable and harmonic unit they must be combined in a rational way. A solid and logical structure is important and then decoration may be added. On a chain this would be pearls and jewelry, on a website it could be a sophisticated layout, animation and other interactive elements. A successful website seduces its visitors and ideally leads to a long-term relationship. Like an anchor’s chain it provides stability and confidence, forming a link between people and their enterprises.
The starting point of a website concept is a review of the aims and target groups:
What do I want to achieve with my online presentation? Who do I want to address?
The dimension and content of the web presentation must be defined. First drafts of the structure and layout can then be developed. A site map and scribbles offer an initial impression of the eventual appearance.

Our service: coordination of Internet projects, online campaigns, online research, benchmarking and competitive intelligence, structuring of content, development of a site‘s information architecture, monitoring, performance review and reporting, presentation and marketing, internal and external communication (B2C)

alisida: concept